Friday, May 14, 2010

Tour de St. Kitts

View of the Atlantic to the left, and the Caribbean to the Right

Our cab driver to and from Mr. X's Shiggity Shack, and Mom's soon-to-be "island boyfriend," offered us a deal we couldn't resist. He gave us a personal tour of St. Kitts on our final afternoon on the island. We headed back up to the lookout point to snap a few shots before heading to the other side of the island. On the way, we spotted dozens of historic churches, settlements, and one of our personal favorites - the sugar mill outside of the Carabelle Batik. Carabelle Batik is a garden and boutique shop hidden up on a ledge in the rainforest. Mom did plenty of shopping, while Pops and I enjoyed the nice mountain breeze.

Family shot

Mama Miller prefers the local flavor

First Caribbean Angelican Church -- and site of Samuel Jefferson's grave (ancestor of Thomas Jefferson)

Is a caption really necessary?

Amazing sugar mills near Caribelle Batik

More of the mills

Say cheeeese

Family shot, on our way up to the garden/boutique

It's been a long day..

Enjoying the views

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