Saturday, May 29, 2010

St. Kitts On A Whim

Warner Park Sporting Complex

As I packed up my backpack in preparation for a long Saturday night of studying on campus, I heard the famous last words come from my roommate Hunter’s mouth – “How dangerous are you feeling?” Of course, to which I responded, “…as ever!” To make a long story short, we had 25 minutes to catch the last ferry across to St. Kitts, where our friends had a couple rooms at the Marriott reserved for the night. After a whirlwind night packed with NBA playoff games, UFC title fights, Stanley Cup playoffs, MLB matchups, some Marriott casino gambling, and finally a trip to the bars at Frigate Bay – we were back on our way to the ferry docks at 9am to catch the 9:30am ferry home to Nevis. We arrived in what we thought was plenty of time, only to find out the ferry LEFT EARLY. The next ferry wasn’t scheduled to leave until 12:30pm. Our group of friends decided to spend their couple of hours in a Subway restaurant, while Hunter and I ventured around the island. We bumped into a local St. Kittian who, after chatting with him for a little while, led us to a gem. We scored free tickets to the Women’s World Cup of Cricket . . . and the rest is history.

England vs. South Africa

England at bat

West Indies vs. Australia

Up close and personal

Australia at bat


Game in action

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