Sunday, May 23, 2010

Farewell Sweet Nevis

Farewell Nevis

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. This was such the case with my parents' visit to the Caribbean. I, however, am always looking to squeeze one last bit of enjoyment out of any adventure on which I embark. This held true with our departure from Nevis. Mom, Dad, and I all flew from Nevis to St. Maarten where we had about a 3 hour lay-over. Now most people would find a seat, open a good book, listen to their ipod, or watch a movie on their laptop while waiting to hear their flight number called over the loud speaker. Well, for starters, there is no loud speaker in the St. Maarten airport, but rather you must be present to hear the airline worker walk through the crowds of people shouting your flight number. Secondly, I would rather explore than sit around in an airport. Luckily, I had the opportunity to explore St. Maarten on a previous layover with a good friend of mine, and this time, I took the reigns as the tour guide. We hopped a taxi at the airport and headed to Maho Bay for lunch at the famous Sunset Beach Bar. This bar has become famous due its extremely close proximity to the airport. I'll let the pictures explain this one...

Maho Bay, from Sunset's Beach Bar - St. Maarten

In coming...

This is no joke!

Another big one

We came to watch the planes, I swear!

Let's eat

Mom and Pops, enjoying Maho Bay

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