Friday, May 14, 2010

The Charlestown Experience

Charlestown, Nevis' capital city (or town) is home to not only some very 'local flavor,' but also extends into many neighboring cultures. Every Tuesday morning a boat comes into Charlestown carrying the freshest produce from around the Caribbean. Vendors set up their stands and sell their fruits and vegetables until the late afternoon, at which time they board the boat, and head home after a day's work. My mom was just about as excited to visit the market as my dad and I were to hang out at Ft. Brimstone.

After gathering all the fruit and veggies we could handle, we stopped off to a favorite restaurant of mine so my parents could see what island livin' is all about. We went to the famous Tea House Chinese restaurant, situated in the town square. Needless to say, we had MORE than enough of our fill. Have a look...

Showing off her bunches

Kickin it old school

So fresh and so clean clean

Hungry mom?

Church in town


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