Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Famous Herbert Heights

[First, I must apologize for the delay between posts. It's taking me a bit longer to adjust to Med 3 than anticipated, however I should be back up and running at full speed in no time.]

There is a place on the island called Herbert Heights, which is home to the soon-to-be-famous Coal Pot Restaurant. Just so you get the idea -- you must travel up about a mile above the town of Gingerland, on the windward side of the island. Once you reach the "Carib Bar," you hang a left, and travel up another half of a mile (on a 2-track), until you reach the dirt road. This dirt road basically leads you into the rainforest...and eventually to Herbert Heights. Here are a few snapshots of what we saw from a couple thousand feet up...

The drive up didn't look too promising

Coal Pot Restaurant

Mom and Pops with part of Mt. Nevis in the background

Whatchu lookin' at?

Mom, and a view of the Atlantic

Mt. Nevis from Herbert Heights

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