Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hike to The Source

"The Source"

I attempted to spend the afternoon at the Four Season's driving range, but was informed that reservations were required. This was no big deal, considering it was already a rather wet and rainy day. Instead of sitting around at home and oh, say, studying, I decided to venture out and make an afternoon hike. "The Source" is a waterfall located about 2,500 ft up the mountain, and is the main source of water for the windward side of the island. It has been raining for a few weeks now on Nevis, so I figured it would be a perfect time to check out the falls. Now I hadn't been to the source yet, but I was told that the 125 foot (ish) waterfall was really just a trickle, but was still a great hike. My expectations were low, so when I finally reached the falls, what I experienced absolutely blew me away. Not only did I get to experience an amazing 125 foot fall (and walk underneath it) at full strength, I also encountered some other incredible falls on the way. Speaking of "falls" -- all the rain made for one slippery hike up and down the mountain. Not to mention, we timed our hike so poorly that we were still about an hour up the mountain/in the rainforest when we lost all daylight. Needless to say, the tiny flashlight that I packed at the last minute was able to keep our falls to a minimum. There is definitely going to be a Hike to The Source: Round 2 in the very near future, but this time, in the daylight!

[For a few more videos of the falls, check out the YouTube links at the bottom of the page]

Rainforest pics

The huge falls, before The Source

Going up! (And across)

View from the other side (we had to climb up, and walk across that dam)

Stairway to Heaven -- almost to the source


Climbing under the falls

More Videos:

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