Monday, February 8, 2010


The New Orleans Saints pulled off an epic victory last night, and yes, we were able to get the game on the island. My roommate (Bebee) and I went up to our friends Hunter and Matt’s house in Fern Hill (the house in the picture) for burgers on the grill, cold beer, great football and even better company. We had about 20 people get together for the game and had an intense 100-square Superbowl pool, paying out $125 Eastern Caribbean Dollars ($45.25 USD) per quarter. Doug, Sami, Bobby, and Teri ended up each taking home a nice chunk of change. We also had an unexpected guest show up; I received a call from our Friday and Saturday night “chicken-guy,” Baker, who let us know he was on his way! Baker grills chicken on the corner in Brick Kiln (the village in which I live) each Friday and Saturday night, and has become well known island-wide for his home made Jamaican Jerk sauce, and his Carnival Johnny Cakes. His spot is known to many students as well as locals as “Poor Man’s Corner,” with good reason. For $10 EC ($3.70 USD) you can pick up a quarter of a chicken and two Johnny Cakes. Mark it in your calendar!

This is my final week of class before I take my Block 2 exams, so this will probably be one of my last entries of the week. I plan to post updates as frequently as possible, but I can’t imagine too many exciting happenings occurring in my 90+ hours I’ll be spending at the library over the next 6 days. Stay classy New Orleans!

The Party House

Part of the crew getting ready for kick-off

TV Room #2

Left to Right: Hunter, Blake, Baker, Me, Bebee, Matt

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