Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is it Tuesday yet?

Is it Tuesday yet? By 11am Tuesday morning I will be soaking up some sun at near-by Nisbet Plantation Resort. Since Monday I have already spent 30+ hours in the library (and it's only Thursday!). At 11pm every night, the library closes, which forces me to study at home. Most nights don't end before 1:30 - 2:00 a.m., only to be back at it in the classroom at 8:00a.m. - (generally not so "sharp.")

I've posted a few diagrams for fun, just so you can take a look at some of the things we've been learning. Above is a picture of what is known as the Wigger's Diagram. This incorporates all sorts of goodies -- Ventricular, atrial, and aortic pressures. Venous pulse. A normal ECG...among other things. Below you'll find pictures from both Physiology and Biochemistry (both exams are Monday). I would post pictures for Medical Psychology (exam Tuesday), but I have yet to start studying for that...

Next week / weekend is sure to spring more adventures and most certainly more memories in the form of photos, so I will be sure to update you all on the happenings here on the island.

Picture of the ECG for the 3 degrees of heart-block

Diagram showing the short term mechanisms of blood-pressure control

The infamous (and always dreaded) Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
[Citric Acid Cycle]


  1. This is some crazy stuff Dustin! With all that stuff in your head're NEVER going to remember where you put your wallet and car keys ever again! Love you

  2. If anyone can handle this stuff is my other little bro. We're all proud of you, keep up the good work.

  3. I think I saw that same recipe on Ace of Cakes or Iron Chef...
