Friday, February 19, 2010

Block 2 is Through

Hey guys. Just a quick update -- exams went fairly well, and now I'm on to the next! I have my mid-term for Medical and Legal Ethics on Tuesday, so here I am, on a Friday night, seated in front of my laptop for yet another lengthy night of studying. [To be fair, I should let you all know that at 11pm tonight my friend Ian is coming to pick me up so we can go to a party at Herbert's Beach]. Other than that -- not a whole lot of excitement this week around the island. I still can't get my camera to work, so you guys will have to deal with either ones I swipe from friends, or ones I take with my web-cam. I have a new one on the way. God-willing, it will arrive on the 4th when Katie comes to visit! I'm really looking forward to my first visitor here on the island. I'm trying to get as much studying done NOW as I can so there can be a bit more time for relaxing while she's here. And just a few short weeks after that my parents will be on Nevis for a week. It's shaping up to be a good semester!

Bebee (my roomate) and I are going to check out a new apartment tomorrow morning. If everything goes well we should be moved in by next semester (May 3rd). I've posted a few pictures from the apartment website. I'll be sure to add my own if and when we get to move in. Until then...i'm still livin it up in Brick Kiln.

[Pictured above is the view from the porch]

The Kitchen Area


  1. Dust,
    Looks just a bit better than the pink bedroom.

  2. drewer, it beats the heck out of the pink bedroom! Not to mention, the beds are more comfy than mine at home!! Not sure what my attendance record will look like once I move in there -- I cant imagine i'll be too eager to get out of bed in the morning! Haha

  3. Hi Dustin,
    I keep forgetting you have this blog! I am really looking forward to the visit coming up in April. I am SO going to need some R and R!! I am sick of winter and I QUIT MICHIGAN.

    New digs look great - hope this works out for you!

    I love you
