Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here goes nothin...

Hey All -- I know I should be studying cardiovascular physiology right now, however I decided to take a few minutes and start up this blog. I've never done this before, so you'll have to bear with me until I get the hang of this.

As an update: I am in my 2nd semester at the Medical University of the Americas ( on the small island of [St.Kitts &] Nevis. Classes started off much more intensely than my first semester, but I am getting the hang of it! I have one more week of classes before my next set of block exams, so I am spending every spare moment in the library trying to get ahead of the game.

I thought I would start out my first blog post with some pictures from an adventure I took with some friends a few weeks back. A couple good friends of mine have access to a dinghy boat, so we decided after our exams to take it out for a spin. We hit up a few Nevisian beaches for some local flavor, and then decided to get crazy and make the trek across to neighboring St. Kitts. Below are a few pictures of the trip...

(click to enlarge photos)

Our port of departure: Double Deuce Restaurant / Pinney's Beach (Mt. Nevis in the background)

Our mode of transportation: The S.S. Nevis Dinghy

The Double Deuce, with St. Kitts in the background

Pinney's Beach / Resort

Departure from Pinneys; Destination: Oualie's Beach, Nevis

The perfect picture! Tossing the ball around at Oualie's

Relaxing stop at Oualie Beach. St. Kitts in the distance

Getting ready to head over to Reggae Beach, St. Kitts

Nice boat, with Nevis in the background

St. Kitts from the dinghy

Matt and Me with St. Kitts in the background. Here we come!

Reggae Beach, St. Kitts

Wilbur -- the largest pig I've ever seen in my life!
(Wilbur is alive, just napping)

Monkey see, monkey do!

Just about ready to head back from Reggae to Oualie Beach (representing WSA)

Sunset from the dinghy

It got a little wild on the way back. 3-4 foot waves is never a match for the S.S. Nevis

Thanks for checking out my first blog entry. I hope you enjoyed! I will try and update it periodically, so be sure to check back! Later, mon!


  1. woww...Dustin, I feel so bad for you! I never knew what a rough life you lived in Nevis...

    Your pictures look discustingly wonderful. :)

  2. Hey Alex...I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures! And don't let it fool you; all those pictures were taken in 1 day (the day after my exams). The inside of a classroom or the library is the only thing i see 99% of the time.
