Saturday, February 13, 2010 you WIIIINGS

Exams Monday. [enough said]


  1. Hey Dust,
    Your last post was about blood pressure, how is all that red bull effecting your blood pressure?

  2. hahaha, good point drew. I didnt learn much about caffiene in Physiology, but I did learn that the mechanism by which caffiene works has to do with a receptor protein kinase pathway, which produces cAMP (cyclic adeninemonophosphate), which is a major energy source for your body. The cAMP is generally mediated (broken down) by a phosphodiesterase enzyme, but in caffiene blocks and inhibits the enzyme from working, therefore the cAMP doesn't get broken down, and rather, you have a huge flow of cAMP into your cells...and you get the jitters (i can voutch for that!). haha

  3. and by receptor protein kinase, i really mean a receptor TYROSINE kinase. Sorry, I'm tired (I ran out of Red Bull)

  4. Dust,
    Yeah I think I learned all that in like third grade, just checking to see if you knew.
