Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday - Funday

St. Theressa's in Charlestown

Happy Easter to you all. My Nevisian Easter Sunday was one for the books, to say the least. It began with a big breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, home made hashbrowns, and Gatorade (made from powder). My buddy Hunter and I then went and picked up our classmate Rosie and headed to St. Theressa's Catholic Parish in Charlestown for Easter morning service. Mass was great and it was followed up with a brunch in the gazebo behind the church. We feasted for a while, visited with the other church members, and then decided to head out. After dropping Rosie back off at home, Hunter and I decided to get in some exploring around the island so we headed up Ridge Road and were blown away by what we found. There were some magnificent homes up there...and we actually got the opportunity to check out an amazing house that overlooked Oualie Beach, and had a great view of St. Kitts. After a few more stops, we made it back to the house to get some studying in, but couldn't pass up the invitation which was extended to us to attend a "musical" - How Great Thou Art - put on by the Nevis Chorus at St. Paul's Catholic Parish in Charlestown. This was a treat all in itself. Clearly it has been a busy part of the year for the Nevisians because it was evident that there was no time for vocal practice. The church was fantastic however, and we enjoyed ourselves, none the less. Those pictures will require an entirely separate blog post...For now, here is a glimpse at my Easter Sunday on the island...

Easter Morning

Easter Mass

The Alter

Me, Rosie, and Hunter

Lunch behind the church

Atop Ridge Road

Blue Skies

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