Sunday, April 11, 2010

409 (part 1) - The Great Escape

"409" proved to be an epic day on the island. To cover all the major happenings, it will require several subsequent blog entries. I'll set the stage with the first major event that kicked off our afternoon around 1:30pm . . . The "Island Jeep," as it is most prominently known here on Nevis, isn't exactly what you would call "street legal." There is no glass in the jeep, other than the rear view mirror (yup, no windshield). The Newcastle Police Department have become well aware of the "island jeep" and are making it a priority to get this vehicle off the road until it has a windshield. As Hunter and I were cruising over the hill near Oualie Beach on our way to get some snorkeling in at Pinny's Beach, we encountered an oncoming Newcastle Police car. Our quick thinking led us to hooking the first left across from Oualie and heading up the road to our friend Rose's house before they could turn around and see us. We hung out at the top of the hill for a good 10 minutes and weren't sure if they had ever turned around to come after us, and then sure enough, we saw the Newcastle police cruiser come flying by from the opposite direction. They had been hot on our tail, but we must have missed them by milliseconds. Not only did we slip through the hands of the police, we were also able to capture some great shots of Oualie Beach...

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