Sunday, April 11, 2010

409 - (part 2) - The Sand Dollar

"409" continued as we made our way to Pinney's Beach, just north of the Four Seasons Resort. Here we got to see some local flavor with all the fishing boats used on a daily basis to bring in the day's catch. We were also introduced to the proud new owner of the Sand Dollar beach bar, who is restoring the structure that was destroyed due to the devastating hurricane that hit several years back. After meeting him, we took to the water for a few hours and I actually got a chance to see my first sting-ray here in Nevis. Luckily Hunter had his under-water camera ready to shoot! While walking back from the water we also encountered a true 'island-style' set-up back in the woods with a thatch bar and picnic tables. Apparently a charter company brings guests over from St. Kitts and caters to them with food and drinks for an afternoon of island living. As we made our way back towards the Sand Dollar, we were invited in for an inaugural drink. We found out that the bar had just opened that day and we were the first customers. In honor of the opening, Hunter and I decided to leave our mark by signing a few sand dollars we had just collected from the Caribbean Sea, and leaving them with the owner. He got a kick out of this, and claimed he was going to have ALL his guests follow suit...

Local boat on Pinney's Beach

Just crusin'

An old cannon submerged

Can you spot the fish?

I think I'll call him Ray

True island livin'

Checking out the setup

The first of many...

Hanging out with the locals

Sunset over Pinney's, from the Sand Dollar

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