Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beach Clean-Up

Each year, the International Coastal Cleanup coordinated by the Ocean Conservancy takes part in a world-wide beach clean-up. St. Kitts and Nevis have been participating in this cause for several years, and this year, I too was involved. A group of about 35 med students got together this past Saturday and covered about 4 miles of beach stretching behind the medical school. A total of just over 300 volunteers scoured over 14 miles of beaches and gathered an estimated 10,000 lbs worth of trash, on Nevis alone. Following the beach clean-up was an amazing BBQ lunch provided for all the volunteers at Coconut Grove. To be honest, I volunteered for the free lunch, but it definitely felt nice to help out such a good cause.

One man's trash is another man's treasure

Workin' hard at Long Haul Bay

Trash wasn't all we saw

Raegan and his findings from MUA beach

More trash from Long Haul / Herbert's beach area

Pizza beach trash

Coconut Grove gathering

Classmates and volunteers seeking shade!


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