Friday, March 19, 2010

Nevis Night Life

There are SO many great pictures from Katie's adventure to Nevis, so it's hard to narrow down which are worth posting. I chose to gear this post around Nevis Night Life. While much of our time consisted of me studying on campus until the wee hours of the morning while Katie pretended to be okay with it, we were actually able to escape a few times -- and this is what we saw....

Cheers! Dinner at Golden Rock restaurant. Golden Rock is an old Sugar Cane Mill that was restored into a resort. [I would recommend the filet mignon!]

Post-dinner photo at Golden Rock.

We stopped by The Hermitage for a drink after dinner. The Hermitage is built on the foundation of the oldest wooden home in the Caribbean. They also make one heck of a Rum-Punch!

Katie was trying to hide behind the tree so I couldn't snap a picture while hanging out at Nisbet Plantation Resort. She almost succeeded!

Epic Fail!

This is more my style anyway...

Lobster dinner for Katie's last night on the island!

A big thanks to Bobby and Hunter for letting us use their huuuge pot!

Hunter, Katie, and I enjoyed some tasty Caribbean lobster!

Helmet head.

She couldn't resist. She just HAD to take the famous 'Blue Thunder' for a ride.

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the medical school? I'm supposed to be giving a lecture in 20 minutes, and my driver's a bit lost...

Katie's inaugural ride on Blue Thunder...Listen to it purrrr

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