Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the Journey Begin

Well, my first experience hosting a visitor here in Nevis was a success. Katie made it down here on Thursday evening and stayed until the following Friday morning (4th – 12th). There are far too many pictures for one entry, so I will post a few now…give a few details regarding Katie’s first Nevisian experience…and hopefully have another blog entry or two by the end of the weekend. Let the journey begin . . .

Katie and me hanging out at Nisbet Plantation Resort (her favorite hang-out while I was studying)

Nisbet on a nice day

One of my favorite pictures Katie took when a storm was coming in over the mountain. Taken from Nisbet as well.

Rasta-mon limin' at the gas station

Our attempt at getting lunch at Pizza Beach. Failed

Our view from Gallipot (where we actually ended up getting lunch) St. Kitts in the distance.

We decided to explore some old Sugar Cane mills on the windward side of the island. This was taken from Coconut Walk Estates, the largest Sugar Mill on the island. The stone structure Katie is standing beneath dates back to 1810, and was actually used until the 1950's

More pictures from the Coconut Walk Estates. Mt. Nevis in the background

Kodak moment...for both of us.

Good thing she brought her hiking boots!

Picture from the entrance to Peak Haven - a unique restaurant/museum/social area located way up the mountain

View from Peak Haven

Welcome to the jungle...

Another personal favorite. Katie and me in front of "Butt Butt Village Shop" at Peak Haven

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