Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gets Me Every Time

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I NEVER gets old!

[p.s. - GO STATE!]

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How sweet it is...

I took the picture posted above from my buddy Hunter's place on Sunday, shortly after watching my Michigan State Spartans stun the T(w)erps of Maryland to get into the Sweet-16 with a buzzer beating 3-pointer from Kory Lucious. I'm still trying to decide which of these 2 pictures is a better shot...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Nevis Night Life

There are SO many great pictures from Katie's adventure to Nevis, so it's hard to narrow down which are worth posting. I chose to gear this post around Nevis Night Life. While much of our time consisted of me studying on campus until the wee hours of the morning while Katie pretended to be okay with it, we were actually able to escape a few times -- and this is what we saw....

Cheers! Dinner at Golden Rock restaurant. Golden Rock is an old Sugar Cane Mill that was restored into a resort. [I would recommend the filet mignon!]

Post-dinner photo at Golden Rock.

We stopped by The Hermitage for a drink after dinner. The Hermitage is built on the foundation of the oldest wooden home in the Caribbean. They also make one heck of a Rum-Punch!

Katie was trying to hide behind the tree so I couldn't snap a picture while hanging out at Nisbet Plantation Resort. She almost succeeded!

Epic Fail!

This is more my style anyway...

Lobster dinner for Katie's last night on the island!

A big thanks to Bobby and Hunter for letting us use their huuuge pot!

Hunter, Katie, and I enjoyed some tasty Caribbean lobster!

Helmet head.

She couldn't resist. She just HAD to take the famous 'Blue Thunder' for a ride.

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the medical school? I'm supposed to be giving a lecture in 20 minutes, and my driver's a bit lost...

Katie's inaugural ride on Blue Thunder...Listen to it purrrr

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the Journey Begin

Well, my first experience hosting a visitor here in Nevis was a success. Katie made it down here on Thursday evening and stayed until the following Friday morning (4th – 12th). There are far too many pictures for one entry, so I will post a few now…give a few details regarding Katie’s first Nevisian experience…and hopefully have another blog entry or two by the end of the weekend. Let the journey begin . . .

Katie and me hanging out at Nisbet Plantation Resort (her favorite hang-out while I was studying)

Nisbet on a nice day

One of my favorite pictures Katie took when a storm was coming in over the mountain. Taken from Nisbet as well.

Rasta-mon limin' at the gas station

Our attempt at getting lunch at Pizza Beach. Failed

Our view from Gallipot (where we actually ended up getting lunch) St. Kitts in the distance.

We decided to explore some old Sugar Cane mills on the windward side of the island. This was taken from Coconut Walk Estates, the largest Sugar Mill on the island. The stone structure Katie is standing beneath dates back to 1810, and was actually used until the 1950's

More pictures from the Coconut Walk Estates. Mt. Nevis in the background

Kodak moment...for both of us.

Good thing she brought her hiking boots!

Picture from the entrance to Peak Haven - a unique restaurant/museum/social area located way up the mountain

View from Peak Haven

Welcome to the jungle...

Another personal favorite. Katie and me in front of "Butt Butt Village Shop" at Peak Haven

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spirit of Nevis

This past Saturday I was given the opportunity to take a sunset cruise on a 70 foot catamaran sail boat (Spirit - pictured above) with my classmate Hunter, and his guests from Texas. We cruised from Nevis over to a small cove near the south end of St. Kitts where we tied up and snorkeled for a few hours. We continued to cruise around the Caribbean Sea side of the island, treated to an open bar and more food than we were able to eat! Here are a few pictures of the craziness. I hope you all are enjoying your weather (wherever you are) as much as I am enjoying mine!!

Me and Hunter about to climb aboard

View of Nevis from the boat

Underwater shot

Me and Hunter creepin on the Spirit

View of the Spirit from below

Floating bar beneath the boat

The Crew

Sunset -- about to head in