Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cat Ghaut Golf

With final exams rapidly approaching, it's getting increasingly more difficult to find time to get out and explore all the island has to offer. This past weekend, I figured I would celebrate my birthday by doing just that -- getting out of the house and forgetting about school work for a few hours. A couple buddies of mine decided to treat me to a round of golf for my birthday at the Cat Ghaut Golf Course. This course is a little known gem on the north side of the island that offers 12 par 3 holes, a full croquet set, and a set of horse-shoes. But best of all, the clubhouse "bar" functions on the honor system - all the water, pop, and beer in the fridge is there for the taking, and you're just asked to leave your money in the collection box. I suppose the view of the Caribbean Sea from most of the holes is a nice perk as well.

Raegan paying the dues

The dead grass-patch is the "green"

I think this shot went clear over Mt. Nevis..

Looking for my ball

They knew I was coming!

Hole #9

Playing in the sand

Hole #12 - The "signature" hole (if you look closely you can see the pin across the ravine, just to the right of the palm tree)

We even had time to fit in a game of horse-shoes

Ringer-ringer chicken dinner

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