Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beach Clean-Up

Each year, the International Coastal Cleanup coordinated by the Ocean Conservancy takes part in a world-wide beach clean-up. St. Kitts and Nevis have been participating in this cause for several years, and this year, I too was involved. A group of about 35 med students got together this past Saturday and covered about 4 miles of beach stretching behind the medical school. A total of just over 300 volunteers scoured over 14 miles of beaches and gathered an estimated 10,000 lbs worth of trash, on Nevis alone. Following the beach clean-up was an amazing BBQ lunch provided for all the volunteers at Coconut Grove. To be honest, I volunteered for the free lunch, but it definitely felt nice to help out such a good cause.

One man's trash is another man's treasure

Workin' hard at Long Haul Bay

Trash wasn't all we saw

Raegan and his findings from MUA beach

More trash from Long Haul / Herbert's beach area

Pizza beach trash

Coconut Grove gathering

Classmates and volunteers seeking shade!


Alexandra the Great

During my fourth semester in med school, I get the opportunity to shadow the doctors at the Alexandra Hospital in downtown Charleston, Nevis. During the rotations I will not only see general bed-side rounds, but also get to scrub in for several surgeries. Last week I went on my first rotation and although I didn't see surgeries, I had a great time learning (and being tested) from the surgeon, Dr. Rawlins. I only captured a few shots, but I'll be sure to try and sneak some more during my future rotations.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Any Given Monday

Well, my tenure at Sweet Sunset, the house in Fern Hill, has come to an end. While I am in between houses, my great friend Jamie has opened up his home and his spare bedroom to me. Jamie happens to live in one of the nicest "settlements" on the island, known as Nelson Springs. I could not be more grateful for Jamie's hospitality -- and the ocean view, pool, and swim-up bar doesn't hurt either! I snapped a few pics this afternoon while I was taking a quick dip in the pool after finishing my first quiz of the semester.

[click to enlarge]

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nevis shipwreck

If you take a look back through the archives of this blog, you may find a few references to the Double Deuce Restaurant, as well as a few pictures. Upon my return to the island, Hurricane Earl made a sweep nearby and as he left, he took our beaches with him. Below are pictures of the (former) beach outside of the Double Deuce, as well as a 35 foot sailboat that washed up about 250 yards from the restaurant.

There used to be 20 - 25 ft between the deck and the ocean

More of Pinney's "beach" near the Double Deuce

Pinney's to the north (St. Kitts in the distance)


Paradise "beach"

The roughest water on the Caribbean side that I've ever seen
- Paradise beach