Monday, February 7, 2011

On Top of the World

Last weekend I ventured over to St. Kitts with some friends to get a change of scenery. We finally decided to check out the zip-lines that we'd heard so much talk about. Even with all the hype, and the zip-line course being rather short, I would definitely recommend checking it out if you've never done anything like it. There were a total of 5 zip-lines - some taking you 1,000 feet above the ground, 1,350 feet in length, and up to 40+ mph. Check out the video below.

Taking the Sea-Bridge ferry to St. Kitts

Tu and I strolling into the Mariott

Getting geared up

Me and Tu - ready to go

Going up

Ready to fly

"De Boss" - the longest and highest line

Coming in for a landing

Friday, January 14, 2011

Aaaaaaaand, we're back!

I've returned to the island for my 5th, and (hopefully) final semester here at MUA. With little time to myself, I've found my blog taking a back seat to my studies. In anticipation for the long and grueling 5th semester, we decided to kick off the New Year with a birthday party for my classmates Tu and Pam. We busted out the charcoal grill, iced down the Caribs and welcomed ourselves back in true island fashion.

Thuy's Nevis body-guards

Hangin' out with my cousins!

Birthday boy and girl pose with some friends

Bottoms up, bottoms up

It just wouldn't be a party without an island-jeep adventure